Good Quality Honey

Honey is produce by bee using special substance that bee's own to covert plant sugar into honey that useful for our health.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Honey Source

Honey Production and Source

You have known that honey is always sell in supermarket and other small shop center. But do you know if you buy really real honey that come from the real source. Honey is taken from the bee nest. Bee to produce honey are may differ from one honey with others. But all honey is taken from the bee nest. The below picture all are bee nest, but not all bee nest produce honey.

Bee Nest

Honey has two meaning in general, honey sometime used to called for their people they love, but honey on this blog tittle is honey that produce from bee, from plant and may from other source. Honey from bee is produce by bee that accumulate from plant that exert their substance from their plant body usually from their flower.

Honey have many kind, this depend on the kind of bee itself, certain bee is collected honey from certain plant while other bee more prefer to collect honey from other kind of plant, so this why the kind of honey is different of every kind of bee. Basically bee have the same process production for the collected honey from plant, if the source is different so the product result also will differ. The honey produce from certain bee may different with other bee just because of certain bee have a different substance to process honey.

Even though people know the source of honey are from plant but people can not convert directly from sugar from plant into qualified honey. To process sugar from honey need certain substance that available just inside honey body, and people can't produce this substance in laboratory. This substance is God creation that through bee They give to bee a special ability for this purpose. As human we as proper as be grateful can exploit the bee ability.


Monday, November 10, 2014

Cancer Treated with Manuka Honey

A cancer hospital in New Zealand is importing Manuka Honey to test the healing power to the patient. The doctor turned to Manuka Honey to treat mouth and throat cancer patient after surgery. The powerful of honey have been revered by ancient Greeks and Egyptians as a powerful medicinal agent and used to help heal burns and sores.

Scientist believe the healing properties of Manuka honey because the presence of glucose oxydase enzyme, which produce hydrogen peroxide as an antiseptic and high sugar concentration, which inhibits of bacterial growth.

Some patient may resistant to antibiotics, so about 60 patients at Christie hospital an international leader in cancer research and development are taking part on the study to see if honey can prevent infection.

Over the last 15 years, survival rates for throat and mouth cancer patients have improved because of the effective combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. But side effect of using this kind medication like mucositis is performed. This concern also have intensified over the spread of MRSA superbug that already become resistant to the most common antibiotic. Once get into the body, through the wound or tubes, it can cause infection that can prove fatal to someone that already weakened by illness.

The MRSA and other kind of infection like clostridium is difficult kill, up to 5,000 patients died every year. The honey is being trialed on the mouth and throat cancer patients because they are one of the most susceptible groups to hospital-acquired infections after undergoing surgery and radiotherapy.


Saturday, November 8, 2014

Honeycomb Model and Supplier

Honeycombs structure are very interesting, it realy arrange in good arrange. Look to honeycomb type that build by many kind of bees:

Young Honeycomb

Honeycom with honey

Honeycomb arrangement

Old Honeycomb

Honeycomb cake

Honeycomb liquid

Honey Layer


Friday, November 7, 2014

What is Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is a single kind of flower honey, the science said this is monofloral honey. This kind of honey can find in New Zealand and Australia from the nectar of the Manuka tree. Manuka honey is produced by introduced honey bees feeding on the manuka or tea tree, which grows uncultivated throughout New Zealand and Southeeastern Australia.

Manuka honey has high viscosity compare among studied honeys. This property of Manuka honey due to the presence of a protein or colloid and is its main visually defining character, along with its typical dark cream to dark brown color.

The Benefit of Manuka Honey:

Manuka honey believe and used since ancient times to treat multiple condition, and as the finding of science research that pure honey has natural antibacterial qualities. Honey can stimulates production of cells that can repair tissue damaged by infection. Honey also has an anti inflammatory action that can quickly reduce pain and inflammation once it is applied.

Manuka honey on the store can contain hydrogen peroxide that can gives antibiotic effect quality. Some type of honey including manuka honey also have other component with antibacterial qualities. Antibacterial component in manuka honey is methylglyoxal (MG), this substance also found in other kind of honey, but usually only small quantities.

For manuka honey type MG comes from the conversion of another compound – dihydroxyacetone – that in higher concentration of manuka flower nectar. MG substance has stronger antibiotic effect. The higher concentration of MG, the stronger the antibiotic effect.
Manuka honey is used to treat some diseases such as:
  • Preventing and treating cancer
  • Reducing high cholesterol
  • Reducing systemic inflammation
  • Treating diabetes
  • Treating eye, ear and sinus infections
  • Treating gastrointestinal problem


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Bee Farming

How to cultivate bee? This question of course become the key on how to cultivate bee because bee is not keep in the cage like birds but bees still can fly to everywhere to find out flower to take the nectar and take honey from many flowers or from certain flower.

Apis mellifera is a special bee that can be cultivated and breed fast and not run away from the cage. This character needed to be an animal cultivated, because will no use if everything is gone. This bee easy to farm and control. This bee easy to adapt to many flower season, because in many country there are several season and ofcourse there several kind of flower will bloom in certain month.

There are many kind of honey because there are many kind of bloom season of certain flower. Special in Indonesia there are rambutan flower so that the honey will name by  rambutan honey and there are manggo flower so that will result manggo honey, klengkeng honey and many other kind of honey and some time have different taste and benefit to the health.

Here are some cage of honey bees:


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Forest Honey bees from Buton

Bee Apis dorsata forest, sometimes called Giant bee is one prolific in producing honey. They nest in tall trees. The distribution area covers bee Apis dorsata Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara.

For addicts of honey should be to visit Buton, Southeast Sulawesi. Unlike the usual honey may you drink, do not try this honey drink immediately. Because, as mentioned by some traders in Buton, forest honey is very hard, if it be drunk directly can damage the intestine. So, if you want to drink, honey should be mixed with water first.

The wild honey make their nest in ironwood. Wood with very dark brown color and tend golden. Sweet aroma when the lid burst open container of honey bottles. Other kind of honey come from bity wood, the color more dark like oil. Local residents said that forest honey is very good consumed to maintain stamina, cold medicines, and keep digestion.

To find out genuineness of honey, place enough honey in the refrigerator input. If honey become sediment or freezes mean it is not pure honey, but already mixed with water. Other indicator is the price of honey too cheap. For small bottle size 350 ml, given the price of Rp 50,000. While for size 650 ml, the price is Rp 80,000. Buton forest honey merchants peddle normal trading on the edge of the road, in front of their house.

One easy place to buy a special wild honey from Buton is in the Watabo Village, District of Tori. The shop place is only very simple small bamboo hut.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Honey Bee Keeping Equipment

You want to keep honey bee to produce honey, you must use bee keeping equipment that usually use for. There are professional people to produce this, and not too expensive. One new hive with honey bees and basic equipment cost about US$ 150. You need the following equipment:
  1. Bee hive
  2. Bottom board from wood to stand the hive rest.
  3. Frame and foundation, a wooden frames hold the sheets of beeswax.
  4. Hive body of brood chamber, large wooden box that hold 10 frames of comb.
  5. Queen excluder, a spacer between the brood nest and honey supers.
  6. Honey supers, shallow supers with franes of comb
  7. Inner cover, prevent bees from attaching comb to outer cover and provide insulating dead air space
  8. Outer cover, provide weather protection
  9. Smoker, for working with bee
  10. Veil and Gloves
  11. Feeders, hold sugar syrup for bees feed
